Have you ever been presented with an idea at a meeting and noticed the mixed reactions? Some may think the idea is awesome, others that it is awful. Before you know it, the idea is categorized as good or bad, clever or dumb, useful or not, etc. Even if you realize it is neither. It is simply an idea. No less, no more.
An idea is a representation of what is and is not, has been or could be. It starts from nothing in the mind and can become everything in the world. It is a potential. The outcome of the idea depends on the ideas already present and the patterns of thought those ideas represent. The exciting must fit into the existing.
Ideas are mere illusions; bits of information glued together by beliefs and stories, which themselves (you have guessed it) are ideas, only older and bolder. You yourself are an idea of many ideas wrapped in a human skin. I am an idea too. That’s what we are. What we do is express and exchange our ideas in an endless dance of creation and destruction.
For an idea to appear in the world, someone must have it. It could be you. Suddenly, the idea is there. Sometimes you notice it, most often not. You are too busy or too focused on other ideas. Soon it’s gone. Without your knowing or influence. The fate of almost all ideas.