The message is clear and strong. Bring your heart to work. Be a whole person with thoughts and feelings that you are willing to express and share with others. Be authentic and vulnerable. Act with kindness and understanding.
So we bring our hearts along with heads and hands. The whole system of body, mind, soul and spirit. Whatever it takes to do the job — and keep it. We work together, we strive hard, and we succeed. Engage in a meaningful purpose. The modern love story of the working class.
But there is more. When you bring your heart to work, you show up in a state of loving presence. You meet people with love, kindness, compassion, gratitude, deeper listening and other heart qualities. You act in a way that lifts and supports those around you. You are authentic and hold space for others to do the same.
Wait, there is a caveat. We used to say home is where the heart is. A place to which you are attached, and to which you happily return. Somewhere and something you cherish. Has work replaced home as our favorite place to go? Has work become the home for which our heart beats?
In recent years, we have certainly brought work closer to home. A trend the pandemic only accelerated. Now hybrid work is an option or reality for most corporate workers. In some branches, remote has become the new black. Freedom, flexibility…